
Showing posts from 2016

Karma Dharma & Samsara!!!...

Karma Dharma & Samsara!!!... This is an attempt to simplify and elaborate basic understanding… Maybe over simplified a little… Let’s picture a game. Games usually have some rules, some points to earn and some strategy to win… Think of a room with about 20 chairs numbered from 1 to 20. In the corner of room there are two boxes; one with green coins which has ‘+1’ written on it and other with red coins and has ‘-1’ written on it. Rules & Structure: Ø   When game starts, there are 20 people, one on each chair. Ø   The chair already has some coins on it left from previous game. Ø   The game is played in 10 rounds of 2 min each. Ø   Each person in those 2 minutes can pick up coins from those boxes (green or red) and place them on other people’s chair. Ø   They cannot place coins on their own chair. Ø   At the end of 2 minutes, people go back to their chair where they were seated before the round began. Ø   They would count the score on their cha

UNACCEPTABLE Theory of Motivation

UNACCEPTABLE Theory of Motivation Every Thought (leading to) Emotion (leading to) Action arises ONLY when Reality is UNACCEPTABLE… That’s it… This single statement sums it all up… In this article, there is not much new Gyan, new fancy words, new theories, nothing…. It is just this one statement… Everything written ahead is compilation of events similar to what one sees around them in the Real world… When everything around a person is acceptable, that person is not motivated to do ANYTHING… When there is no desire to Change anything around, there is no desire to do anything, there is NO DESIRE TO REJECT ANYTHING, nothing around is UNACCEPTABLE… THAT IS WHEN WE HAVE BLISS , WE HAVE PEACE OF MIND … On the other hand;       Imagine this, you can see few cups on a table of different heights kept in ascending order of their heights. One of the cup is not in sequence. You would instinctively have some feel of keeping that cup in sequence… It’s natural… The Rea

Human Time

Human Time Clocks measure other clocks, they don’t measure Time… I heard this in a movie and it totally makes sense. Let’s discuss how…. Let’s look at an example. Consider a rose garden which has a giant wheel next to it. If someone was to keep a track and calculate no. of roses grown, flourished and died (completed cycle) when the giant wheel completed 100 rounds, the report would show highly varied rose cycles per 100 giant wheel cycles, wouldn’t it? Near the rose garden there is also a hotel. If someone was to keep a track of no. of giant wheel cycles completed per 100 customers served (came to hotel, ate and left); i.e. giant wheel cycle per 100 customers served cycle, the report would again show varied no. of giant wheel cycles, wouldn’t it? A river flows by the hotel and that same person also tried keeping a track of no. of customers served per 100 litres of water flowing… Well again the ratio wouldn’t be consistent, isn’t it? All of these cycles don’t

Embracing Ambiguity - Achieving Unachieved Realms

Embracing Ambiguity - Achieving Unachieved Realms Outcast Rebel Insurgent Revolutionary Radical Conflicting Contradictory Unique catch Treasure trove Dissimilar Divergent Offbeat Disparate Exclusive All these almost mean the same but are different by one distinction which puts them fairly in two broad groups… They all speak of someone / something which is different from others, but the connotative meaning of two categories depend on whether that different TRAIT is ACCEPTABLE or say whether that different TRAIT has PROVED TO BE BENEFICIAL IN DESIRED WAY IN THE PAST… I remember the song… Humko Toh Raahein Thi Chalaati, Woh Khud Apani Raah Banaata… I also remember reading some message on Whatsapp saying…. Parenting is a very challenging task where you need to convince your kid that they can do anything in their life and at the same screaming every two minutes…. Don’t do that… The rule that we all apparently follow is, there’

STEM Theory of Investment – Pathway to Prospering Lives

STEM Theory of Investment – Pathway to Prospering Lives Here’s another unconventional thought or say a revolutionary thought… JJJ I’m sure most of us know about the Social experiment where Joshua Bell played violin in DC Metro Station and there was barely anyone who stopped by to listen… Those who don’t know about it, here’s the link to video on YouTube. It’s not just this experiment, many would also recall some fun whatsapp messages reading… In Mumbai everyone is in hurry, but no one is on time… Ofcourse you know what I’m talking about and you also know something is not right, but just dunno what… Let us attempt to explore what we do, why and how… Few Philosophy that drive a lot in our lives is… Time is Money… every penny saved is a penny earned… Multitasking is the key to success.. etc… All this has led to the ‘Rat Race’ we are in… But if these philosophies really work, why do we hate the ‘Rat Race’ that thes

Negotiation – An un-boon to exponentially flourishing relationships/organisations

Negotiation – An un-boon to exponentially flourishing relationships/organisations When you’re good at something, never do it for free… Joker, The Dark Knight Sounds like a really smart statement to get the most possible in a trade, isn’t it? Ofcourse I share a different perspective… I would rather rephrase it as ‘When you’re good at something, it is the least you can do for free…’ The basic belief in what people are deep with-in is the distinction here… ‘Smart Negotiator’ is someone well renowned on giving least possible to gain maximum possible in a trade. Someone who understands how to reach an agreement which eventually ends up with bigger share of the pie for themselves. There are many ways of doing this; convincing with facts and logic making the deal look a win-win situation, using power driving fear or authority driving rewards. Infact Negotiation in itself is an act to articulate and cap the input and output from a relationship. It is derived f