
Showing posts from June, 2016

STEM Theory of Investment – Pathway to Prospering Lives

STEM Theory of Investment – Pathway to Prospering Lives Here’s another unconventional thought or say a revolutionary thought… JJJ I’m sure most of us know about the Social experiment where Joshua Bell played violin in DC Metro Station and there was barely anyone who stopped by to listen… Those who don’t know about it, here’s the link to video on YouTube. It’s not just this experiment, many would also recall some fun whatsapp messages reading… In Mumbai everyone is in hurry, but no one is on time… Ofcourse you know what I’m talking about and you also know something is not right, but just dunno what… Let us attempt to explore what we do, why and how… Few Philosophy that drive a lot in our lives is… Time is Money… every penny saved is a penny earned… Multitasking is the key to success.. etc… All this has led to the ‘Rat Race’ we are in… But if these philosophies really work, why do we hate the ‘Rat Race’ that thes