
Showing posts from 2019

Western OD ideas may not work in the East!

Western OD ideas may not work in the East! Well, I agree the statement is a little dramatic, but let’s understand the essence of the idea and how this statement may make sense. A while ago two groups of engineers were given a task of designing a vehicle to carry water from a nearby river to a village. However, both the teams had different villages to cater to; one on a mountain, and other in a forest. Teams began scouting for resources available, and accordingly began designing the vehicle. After a while, both teams successfully made a vehicle each to help those villages get water. The interesting part is, both the designs were completely different. The distinction was majorly caused due to different terrain. Each terrain has its own ‘rules’ of facilitating or objecting, propelling and maneuvering of vehicle. Although the desired end-result was the same, none of the two vehicles would function very productively in reverse terrain. Understanding the analogy in terms of

Analytics in People Science is Ostrich with head in sand

Analytics in People Science is Ostrich with head in sand Analytics driving precision in prediction and control has been immensely successful in proving its effectiveness across various fields of science and study, almost every. Hence, the obvious tendency to look at and aim for analytics or artificial intelligence to act as guiding path on achieving predictability leading to control over people behaviour. However, people science is different from other, so called, ‘materialistic science’. ‘Enlightenment Effect’, a term from organisational behavioural science which describes how different patterns or theories observed and identified about people behaviour instantly change the behaviour. Elaborating briefly, if we are to observe a group of people and share details about their behaviour patterns observed, as soon as they become ‘aware’ of the patterns, those patterns are either avoided or amplified depending upon the ‘values’ of individuals and group as a whole. In either cas