Karma Dharma & Samsara!!!...

Karma Dharma & Samsara!!!...

This is an attempt to simplify and elaborate basic understanding… Maybe over simplified a little…

Let’s picture a game. Games usually have some rules, some points to earn and some strategy to win…

Think of a room with about 20 chairs numbered from 1 to 20. In the corner of room there are two boxes; one with green coins which has ‘+1’ written on it and other with red coins and has ‘-1’ written on it.

Rules & Structure:

Ø  When game starts, there are 20 people, one on each chair.
Ø  The chair already has some coins on it left from previous game.
Ø  The game is played in 10 rounds of 2 min each.
Ø  Each person in those 2 minutes can pick up coins from those boxes (green or red) and place them on other people’s chair.
Ø  They cannot place coins on their own chair.
Ø  At the end of 2 minutes, people go back to their chair where they were seated before the round began.
Ø  They would count the score on their chair (green – ‘+1’ and red – ‘-1’). This would include coins already existing before the round began and those coins which others put on their chair during the round.
Ø  The score is recorded for each person and people randomly shift places for second round.
Ø  They repeat the same activity of putting coins on other chairs during the second round for 2 minutes.
Ø  At the end of second round, again they would count the score on their chair and record the score.
Ø  People again randomly shift places to begin third round.
Ø  The person with maximum points wins the game.
Ø  In each round the coins that one person chooses to keep on other chairs might as well become a part of their score in next round as people are randomly shifted before beginning of each round.


Ø  It would be observed that at the end of 10 rounds, the score for everyone would almost be the same.
Ø  The scoring will have a standard pattern; it would be either of these three:
o   Constantly increasing in each round for everyone
o   Constantly decreasing in each round for everyone
o   A rare scenario will have the score around Zero throughout


Ø  This game cannot have one winner, either everyone wins or everyone loses.
Ø  This game is about attitude of people. The ACT (Karma) they chose.
Ø  Each person gets a chair in each round (Lifetime) for a limited duration.
Ø  Everyone has capability of giving scores to others. They can chose to give positive scores (Happiness) or negative scores (Suffering) by their ACT (karma) of giving coins.
Ø  Everyone wants more green coins (Happiness) and less red coins (Suffering) for themselves, but only others can give them coins.
Ø  When the round (Lifetime) ends, people shift chairs (Rebirth) and continue the game with their ACT (Karma) of giving coins. The previous round (Lifetime) coins they put on some chair, now becomes their chair and their score to built ON.
Ø  As numerous rounds (Lifetimes) pass, your ACT (Karma) in each round (Lifetime) defines what score (Happiness / Suffering) you get based on what you chose to give in previous rounds (Lifetimes). If your ACT (Karma) was to place many read coins (Suffering) on each chair, you will get lot of red coins (Suffering) every time you shift chair (Rebirth). The reverse is also true… :-)
Ø  If everyone choses to put ONLY green coins (Happiness) on each chair, their ACT (Karma) would keep adding green coins (Happiness) to everyone including themselves in each round (Lifetime) no matter how many times they change chair (Rebirth).
Ø  The observation of score (Happiness / Suffering) moving linearly in some direction is all because people continue to do the same ACT (Karma) in each round (Lifetime). So the score (Happiness / Suffering) keeps adding to itself as green or red coins.
Ø  The rare possibility where we have almost equal people with ACT (Karma) of giving green coins (Happiness) and red coins (Suffering), the overall score remains constant around Zero.
Ø  People giving red coins (Suffering) to others makes them feel their comparative score stays high, which may be true for that round, but that is not sustainable strategy. It doesn’t last long.

Winning the game:

Ø  As mentioned earlier, this game cannot be won by an individual. Either all get happiness or all get suffering.
Ø  The distinction is the ACT (Karma) one choses. The knowledge (Truth) about how the game logic really works helps people improve their ACT (Karma).
Ø  If you’re one of the players, there may be people who would put red coins (Suffering) on your chair, but the ONLY way to have overall positive score (Happiness) is to ACCEPT that as Reality, be patient, be tolerant and still stay committed to the ACT (Karma) of giving everyone green coins (Happiness). It may not be this round (Lifetime) that you’ll close with positive score (Happiness), but that is because of people without knowledge (Truth) of how the game works… If you keep giving knowledge (Truth) to everyone and green coins (Happiness) to everyone, eventually everyone in all their rounds (Lifetimes) will have lot of green coins (Happiness) no matter which chair they are on (Rebirth).




The overall knowledge of people playing the game gets carried from a round to next. It is built in each round based on experience and communication. People Knowledge (Consciousness) keeps changing constantly, but exists throughout…

Even if we say that rebirth doesn’t exist and motive to give happiness to the world is not selfish (getting happiness for self eventually). Let us say there are new people in each round. Even in that case, whatever green coins (Happiness) someone receives is a result of someone doing their part well in previous rounds, so isn’t it their time to express gratitude for the thoughtfulness by doing the same for future generation (new people in forth coming rounds)… For mankind, overall…. :-)

Wishing you a Peaceful Life!

Deep Mody
A Change Leader
Helping Humans do what they do the best – Be Human


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